造了一个firewalld 管理器的轮子
总是为Centos 7 的那个Firewalld 的命令太长而去百度。说实话。太不容易了。记不住啊
然后根据公司的轮子重新改造了一下。还有一些一些没有改完的。 例如,指定网卡操作。还有一些端口映射的。
1. list 查看所有
2. addtcp port 添加端口
3. deltcp port 删除端口
4. addudp port 添加udp端口
5. deludp port 删除udp端口
6. addip address 添加禁止IP
7. delip address 删除禁止IP
8. addtcpport port,address,pool,type 添加IP 端口的允许/禁止
9. delportip port,address,pool,type 添加IP 端口的允许/禁止
[root@localhost soft_ico]# python aa.py list {'drop_ip': [{'type': 'drop', 'address': ''}], 'accept_ip': [{'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '20'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '21'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '22'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '80'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '8888'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '30000-40000'}, {'protocol': 'udp', 'port': '30000-40000'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '888'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '39000-40000'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '8181'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '12'}, {'protocol': 'udp', 'port': '12'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '123'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '138'}, {'protocol': 'udp', 'port': '138'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '480-580'}], 'accept': [], 'reject': [{'protocol': 'udp', 'type': 'reject', 'port': '18', 'address': ''}, {'protocol': 'udp', 'type': 'reject', 'port': '19', 'address': ''}]}
drop_ip 代表的指的是禁止的某个IP访问本服务器
accept_ip 代表着是运行那些端口放行。protocol 表示协议 tcp udp 的方式
accept 代表某个端口运行那些IP访问。例如 本机的80端口 运行 的Ip访问
reject 和上面相反。这个是禁止的意思。
开放 tcp 89 端口
[root@localhost soft_ico]# python aa.py addtcp 89 success 查看一下 [root@localhost soft_ico]# python aa.py list |grep 89 {'drop_ip': [{'type': 'drop', 'address': ''}], 'accept_ip': [{'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '20'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '21'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '22'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '80'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '8888'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '30000-40000'}, {'protocol': 'udp', 'port': '30000-40000'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '888'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '39000-40000'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '8181'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '12'}, {'protocol': 'udp', 'port': '12'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '123'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '138'}, {'protocol': 'udp', 'port': '138'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '480-580'}, {'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': '89'}], 'accept': [], 'reject': [{'protocol': 'udp', 'type': 'reject', 'port': '18', 'address': ''}, {'protocol': 'udp', 'type': 'reject', 'port': '19', 'address': ''}]} [root@localhost soft_ico]#
然后 开放udp 89
[root@localhost soft_ico]# python aa.py addudp 89 success [root@localhost soft_ico]#
删除 udp 89
[root@localhost soft_ico]# python aa.py deludp 89 success [root@localhost soft_ico]#
[root@localhost soft_ico]# python aa.py addip success [root@localhost soft_ico]#
禁止192.168.10.1 访问80
[root@localhost soft_ico]# python aa.py addtcpport 80 tcp reject success [root@localhost soft_ico]#
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding:utf-8 from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree, Element import os class firewalld: __TREE = None __ROOT = None __CONF_FILE = '/etc/firewalld/zones/public.xml' # 初始化配置文件XML对象 def __init__(self): if self.__TREE: return self.__TREE = ElementTree() self.__TREE.parse(self.__CONF_FILE) self.__ROOT = self.__TREE.getroot() def ExecShell(cmdstring, cwd=None, timeout=None, shell=True): import shlex import datetime import subprocess import time if shell: cmdstring_list = cmdstring else: cmdstring_list = shlex.split(cmdstring) if timeout: end_time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout) sub = subprocess.Popen(cmdstring_list, cwd=cwd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=shell, bufsize=4096, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) while sub.poll() is None: time.sleep(0.1) if timeout: if end_time <= datetime.datetime.now(): raise Exception("Timeout:%s" % cmdstring) return sub.communicate() # 获取端口列表 def GetAcceptPortList(self): mlist = self.__ROOT.getchildren() data = [] for p in mlist: if p.tag != 'port': continue tmp = p.attrib port = p.attrib['port'] data.append(tmp) return data # 添加端口放行 def AddAcceptPort(self, port, pool='tcp'): # 检查是否存在 if self.CheckPortAccept(pool, port): return True attr = {"protocol": pool, "port": port} Port = Element("port", attr) self.__ROOT.append(Port) self.Save() return True # 删除端口放行 def DelAcceptPort(self, port, pool='tcp'): # 检查是否存在 if not self.CheckPortAccept(pool, port): return True mlist = self.__ROOT.getchildren() m = False for p in mlist: if p.tag != 'port': continue if p.attrib['port'] == port: self.__ROOT.remove(p) m = True if m: self.Save() return True return False # 添加UDP端口放行 def AddUpdPort(self, port, pool='udp'): # 检查是否存在 if self.CheckPortAccept(pool, port): return True attr = {"protocol": pool, "port": port} Port = Element("port", attr) self.__ROOT.append(Port) self.Save() return True # 删除UDP端口放行 def DelUdpPort(self, port, pool='udp'): # 检查是否存在 if not self.CheckPortAccept(pool, port): return True mlist = self.__ROOT.getchildren() m = False for p in mlist: if p.tag != 'port': continue if p.attrib['port'] == port: self.__ROOT.remove(p) m = True if m: self.Save() return True return False # 检查端口是否已放行 def CheckPortAccept(self, pool, port): for p in self.GetAcceptPortList(): if p['port'] == port and p['protocol']==pool: return True return False # 获取屏蔽IP列表 def GetDropAddressList(self): mlist = self.__ROOT.getchildren() data = [] for ip in mlist: if ip.tag != 'rule': continue tmp = {} ch = ip.getchildren() a=None for c in ch: tmp['type']=None if c.tag == 'drop': tmp['type'] = 'drop' if c.tag == 'source': tmp['address']=c.attrib['address'] if tmp['type']: data.append(tmp) return data # 获取 reject 信息 def GetrejectLIST(self): mlist = self.__ROOT.getchildren() data = [] for ip in mlist: #print(ip) if ip.tag != 'rule': continue tmp = {} ch = ip.getchildren() a=None flag = None for c in ch: tmp['type']=None if c.tag == 'reject': tmp['type'] = 'reject' if c.tag == 'source': tmp['address']=c.attrib['address'] if c.tag =='port': tmp['protocol']=c.attrib['protocol'] tmp['port']=c.attrib['port'] if tmp['type']: data.append(tmp) return data # 获取 accept 信息 def Getacceptlist(self): mlist = self.__ROOT.getchildren() data = [] for ip in mlist: if ip.tag != 'rule': continue tmp = {} ch = ip.getchildren() a=None flag = None for c in ch: tmp['type']=None if c.tag == 'accept': tmp['type'] = 'accept' if c.tag == 'source': tmp['address']=c.attrib['address'] if c.tag =='port': tmp['protocol']=c.attrib['protocol'] tmp['port']=c.attrib['port'] if tmp['type']: data.append(tmp) return data # 获取所有信息 def Get_All_Info(self): data={} data['accept_ip']=self.GetAcceptPortList() data['drop_ip']=self.GetDropAddressList() data['reject']=self.GetrejectLIST() data['accept']=self.Getacceptlist() return data # 判断是否存在 def Chekc_info(self,port,address,pool,type): data=self.Get_All_Info() if type=='accept': for i in data['accept']: #print(i['address'], i['protocol'], i['port']) if i['address']==address and i['protocol']==pool and i['port']==port: return True else: return False elif type=='reject': for i in data['accept']: # print(i['address'], i['protocol'], i['port']) if i['address'] == address and i['protocol'] == pool and i['port'] == port: return True else: return False else: return False def AddDropAddress(self, address): # 检查是否存在 if self.CheckIpDrop(address): return True attr = {"family": 'ipv4'} rule = Element("rule", attr) attr = {"address": address} source = Element("source", attr) drop = Element("drop", {}) rule.append(source) rule.append(drop) self.__ROOT.append(rule) self.Save() return 'OK' # 删除IP屏蔽 def DelDropAddress(self, address): # 检查是否存在 if not self.CheckIpDrop(address): return True mlist = self.__ROOT.getchildren() for ip in mlist: if ip.tag != 'rule': continue ch = ip.getchildren() for c in ch: if c.tag != 'source':continue if c.attrib['address'] == address: self.__ROOT.remove(ip) self.Save() return True return False # 添加端口放行并且指定IP def Add_Port_IP(self, port,address,pool,type): if type=='accept': # 判断是否存在 if self.Chekc_info(port,address,pool,type): return True attr = {"family": 'ipv4'} rule = Element("rule", attr) attr = {"address": address} source = Element("source", attr) attr={'port':str(port),'protocol':pool} port_info=Element("port",attr) accept = Element("accept", {}) rule.append(source) rule.append(port_info) rule.append(accept) self.__ROOT.append(rule) self.Save() return True elif type=='reject': # 判断是否存在 if self.Chekc_info(port,address,pool,type):return True attr = {"family": 'ipv4'} rule = Element("rule", attr) attr = {"address": address} source = Element("source", attr) attr = {'port': str(port), 'protocol': pool} port_info = Element("port", attr) reject = Element("reject", {}) rule.append(source) rule.append(port_info) rule.append(reject) self.__ROOT.append(rule) self.Save() return True else: return False # 删除指定端口的=。= def Del_Port_IP(self, port,address,pool,type): if type=='accept': a = None for i in self.__ROOT: if i.tag == 'rule': tmp = {} for c in i.getchildren(): tmp['type'] = None if c.tag == 'accept': tmp['type'] = 'accept' if c.tag == 'source': tmp['address'] = c.attrib['address'] if c.tag == 'port': tmp['protocol'] = c.attrib['protocol'] tmp['port'] = c.attrib['port'] if tmp['type']: if tmp['port'] == port and tmp['address'] == address and tmp['type'] == type and tmp['protocol'] == pool: self.__ROOT.remove(i) self.Save() return True elif type=='reject': for i in self.__ROOT: if i.tag == 'rule': tmp = {} for c in i.getchildren(): tmp['type'] = None if c.tag == 'reject': tmp['type'] = 'reject' if c.tag == 'source': tmp['address'] = c.attrib['address'] if c.tag == 'port': tmp['protocol'] = c.attrib['protocol'] tmp['port'] = c.attrib['port'] if tmp['type']: if tmp['port'] == port and tmp['address'] == address and tmp['type'] == type and tmp['protocol'] == pool: self.__ROOT.remove(i) self.Save() return True # 检查IP是否已经屏蔽 def CheckIpDrop(self, address): for ip in self.GetDropAddressList(): if ip['address'] == address: return True return False # 取服务状态 def GetServiceStatus(self): result = self.ExecShell("systemctl status firewalld|grep '(running)'") if len(result) > 10: return True return False # 服务控制 def FirewalldService(self, type): os.system('systemctl ' + type + ' firewalld.service') return 'SUUESS' # 保存配置 def Save(self): self.format(self.__ROOT) self.__TREE.write(self.__CONF_FILE, 'utf-8') os.system('firewall-cmd --reload') # 整理配置文件格式 def format(self, em, level=0): i = "\n" + level * " " if len(em): if not em.text or not em.text.strip(): em.text = i + " " for e in em: self.format(e, level + 1) if not e.tail or not e.tail.strip(): e.tail = i if level and (not em.tail or not em.tail.strip()): em.tail = i if __name__ == "__main__": try: import argparse p = firewalld() import sys import json data = None type = sys.argv[1] if type == 'list': print(p.Get_All_Info()) elif type =='addtcp': p.AddAcceptPort(sys.argv[2]) elif type=='deltcp': p.DelAcceptPort(sys.argv[2]) elif type =='addudp': p.AddUpdPort(sys.argv[2]) elif type=='deludp': p.DelUdpPort(sys.argv[2]) elif type=='addip': p.AddDropAddress(sys.argv[2]) elif type=='delip': p.DelDropAddress(sys.argv[2]) elif type=='addtcpport': try: pool = ['tcp', 'udp'] type = ['accept', 'reject'] if sys.argv[2] > 65535 and sys.argv[4] not in pool and sys.argv[5] not in type: print('addtcpport 选项如下:') print('addtcpport port,address,pool,type ') print('port 为端口') print('address 为ip地址 例如:') print('pool 为 tcp and udp') print('type 为(accept,reject) accept为允许 accept为禁止') else: p.Add_Port_IP(sys.argv[2],sys.argv[3],sys.argv[4],sys.argv[5]) except: print('addtcpport 选项如下:') print('addtcpport port,address,pool,type ') print('port 为端口') print('address 为ip地址 例如:') print('pool 为 tcp and udp') print('type 为(accept,reject) accept为允许 accept为禁止') elif type=='delportip': try: pool=['tcp','udp'] type=['accept','reject'] if sys.argv[2]>65535 and sys.argv[4] not in pool and sys.argv[5] not in type: print('addtcpport 选项如下:') print('addtcpport port,address,pool,type ') print('port 为端口') print('address 为ip地址 例如:') print('pool 为 tcp and udp') print('type 为(accept,reject) accept为允许 accept为禁止') else: p.Del_Port_IP(sys.argv[2],sys.argv[3],sys.argv[4],sys.argv[5]) except: print('addtcpport 选项如下:') print('addtcpport port,address,pool,type ') print('port 为端口') print('address 为ip地址 例如:') print('pool 为 tcp and udp') print('type 为(accept,reject) accept为允许 accept为禁止') else: print('添加IP管理') print('python firewalld.py list 查看所有防火墙选项') print('list 为查看所有的选项') except: print('1. list 查看所有') print('2. addtcp port 添加端口') print('3. deltcp port 删除端口') print('4. addudp port 添加udp端口') print('5. deludp port 删除udp端口') print('6. addip address 添加禁止IP') print('7. delip address 删除禁止IP') print('8. addtcpport port,address,pool,type 添加IP 端口的允许/禁止') print('9. delportip port,address,pool,type 添加IP 端口的允许/禁止') # 样例 # # print(p.GetrejectLIST()) # print(p.Getacceptlist()) # #print p.Add_Port_IP(port='873',address='',pool='tcp',type='accept') # #print p.Del_Port_IP(port='873', address='', pool='tcp', type='reject') # #print(p.test('')) # #print(len(p.Getacceptlist())) #