很多人问我,怎么把宝塔的/www 数据迁移到数据盘中,那么下面就来给大家讲解如何迁移到数据盘emmmm,现在是这样的。我有一台安装有宝塔的机器。里面有两盘硬盘。那么首先把数据盘先格式化把
#!/bin/bash PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin export PATH LANG=en_US.UTF-8 setup_path=/www #if [ $1 != "" ];then #setup_path=$1; #fi #检测磁盘数量 startAction=$1 service_Action(){ if [ -f "/www/server/panel/data/502Task.pl" ]; then rm -f /www/server/panel/data/502Task.pl fi if [ -f "/www/swap" ] && [ "${action}" == "stop" ];then swapoff /www/swap fi /etc/init.d/bt ${action} for service in nginx httpd mysqld pure-ftpd tomcat redis memcached mongodb do if [ -f "/etc/init.d/${service}" ];then /etc/init.d/${service} ${action} fi done for phpV in 52 53 54 55 56 70 71 72 do if [ -f "/etc/init.d/php-fpm-${phpV}" ];then /etc/init.d/php-fpm-${phpV} ${action} fi done if [ -f "/www/swap" ] && [ "${action}" == "start" ];then swapon /www/swap fi } if [ "${startAction}" == "stop" ]; then action="stop" service_Action exit; elif [ "${startAction}" == "start" ]; then action="start" service_Action echo "True" > /www/server/panel/data/502Task.pl exit; fi sysDisk=`cat /proc/partitions|grep -v name|grep -v ram|awk '{print $4}'|grep -v '^$'|grep -v '[0-9]$'|grep -v 'vda'|grep -v 'xvda'|grep -v 'sda'|grep -e 'vd' -e 'sd' -e 'xvd'` if [ "${sysDisk}" == "" ]; then echo -e "ERROR!This server has only one hard drive,exit" echo -e "此服务器只有一块磁盘,无需挂载" echo -e "Bye-bye" exit; fi #检测/www目录是否已挂载磁盘 mountDisk=`df -h | awk '/\/www/ {print $6 "Disk"}' | awk '/\/wwwDisk/ {print $1}'` if [ "${mountDisk}" != "" ]; then echo -e "www directory has been mounted,exit" echo -e "www目录已被挂载,不执行任何操作" echo -e "Bye-bye" exit; fi #检测是否有windows分区 winDisk=`fdisk -l |grep "NTFS\|FAT32"` if [ "${winDisk}" != "" ];then echo 'Warning: The Windows partition was detected. For your data security, Mount manually.'; echo "危险 数据盘为windwos分区,为了你的数据安全,请手动挂载,本脚本不执行任何操作。" exit; fi echo " +---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Bt-WebPanel Automatic disk partitioning tool +---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Copyright © 2015-2017 BT-SOFT(http://www.bt.cn) All rights reserved. +---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Auto mount partition disk to $setup_path +---------------------------------------------------------------------- " #数据盘自动分区 fdiskP(){ for i in `cat /proc/partitions|grep -v name|grep -v ram|awk '{print $4}'|grep -v '^$'|grep -v '[0-9]$'|grep -v 'vda'|grep -v 'xvda'|grep -v 'sda'|grep -e 'vd' -e 'sd' -e 'xvd'`; do #判断指定目录是否被挂载 isR=`df -P|grep $setup_path` if [ "$isR" != "" ];then echo "Error: The $setup_path directory has been mounted." return; fi isM=`df -P|grep '/dev/${i}1'` if [ "$isM" != "" ];then echo "/dev/${i}1 has been mounted." continue; fi #判断是否存在未分区磁盘 isP=`fdisk -l /dev/$i |grep -v 'bytes'|grep "$i[1-9]*"` if [ "$isP" = "" ];then #开始分区 fdisk -S 56 /dev/$i << EOF n p 1 wq EOF sleep 5 #检查是否分区成功 checkP=`fdisk -l /dev/$i|grep "/dev/${i}1"` if [ "$checkP" != "" ];then #格式化分区 mkfs.ext4 /dev/${i}1 mkdir $setup_path #挂载分区 sed -i "/\/dev\/${i}1/d" /etc/fstab echo "/dev/${i}1 $setup_path ext4 defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab mount -a df -h fi else #判断是否存在Windows磁盘分区 isN=`fdisk -l /dev/$i|grep -v 'bytes'|grep -v "NTFS"|grep -v "FAT32"` if [ "$isN" = "" ];then echo 'Warning: The Windows partition was detected. For your data security, Mount manually.'; return; fi #挂载已有分区 checkR=`df -P|grep "/dev/$i"` if [ "$checkR" = "" ];then mkdir $setup_path sed -i "/\/dev\/${i}1/d" /etc/fstab echo "/dev/${i}1 $setup_path ext4 defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab mount -a df -h fi #清理不可写分区 echo 'True' > $setup_path/checkD.pl if [ ! -f $setup_path/checkD.pl ];then sed -i "/\/dev\/${i}1/d" /etc/fstab mount -a df -h else rm -f $setup_path/checkD.pl fi fi done } while [ "$go" != 'y' ] && [ "$go" != 'n' ] do read -p "Do you want to try to mount the data disk to the $setup_path directory?(y/n): " go; done if [ "$go" = 'n' ];then echo -e "Bye-bye" exit; fi if [ -f "/etc/init.d/bt" ] && [ -f "/www/server/panel/main.pyc" ]; then disk=`cat /proc/partitions|grep -v name|grep -v ram|awk '{print $4}'|grep -v '^$'|grep -v '[0-9]$'|grep -v 'vda'|grep -v 'xvda'|grep -v 'sda'|grep -e 'vd' -e 'sd' -e 'xvd'` diskFree=`cat /proc/partitions |grep ${disk}|awk '{print $3}'` wwwUse=`du -sh -k /www|awk '{print $1}'` if [ "${diskFree}" -lt "${wwwUse}" ]; then echo -e "Sorry,your data disk is too small,can't coxpy to the www." echo -e "对不起,你的数据盘太小,无法迁移www目录数据到此数据盘" exit; else echo -e "" echo -e "stop bt-service" echo -e "停止宝塔服务" echo -e "" action="stop" service_Action echo -e "" mv /www /bt-backup echo -e "disk partition..." echo -e "磁盘分区..." sleep 2 echo -e "" fdiskP mountDisk=`df -h | awk '/\/www/ {print $6 "Disk"}' | awk '/\/wwwDisk/ {print $1}'` if [ "${mountDisk}" = "" ]; then echo -e "挂载失败!" echo -e "正在还原数据" mv /www /bt-backup echo -e "还原成功,启动宝塔服务" action="start" service_Action echo "True" > /www/server/panel/data/502Task.pl exit; fi echo -e "" echo -e "move disk..." echo -e "迁移数据中..." \cp -r -p -a /bt-backup/* /www echo -e "" echo -e "Done" echo -e "迁移完成" echo -e "" echo -e "start bt-service" echo -e "启动宝塔服务" echo -e "" action="start" service_Action echo "True" > /www/server/panel/data/502Task.pl fi else fdiskP mountDisk=`df -h | awk '/\/www/ {print $6 "Disk"}' | awk '/\/wwwDisk/ {print $1}'` if [ "${mountDisk}" = "" ]; then echo -e "挂载失败!" exit; fi echo -e "" echo -e "Done" echo -e "挂载成功" fi
[root@localhost ~]# mv /www /www2/
等把。看你的数据量。唔。慢慢等,mv 弄完之后呢。就可以卸载硬盘。后面挂载到www目录
[root@localhost ~]# sh auto_disk.sh start Starting Bt-Panel... done Starting Bt-Tasks... done Starting nginx... done Starting MySQL.. SUCCESS! Starting Pure-FTPd... /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd: line 26: /www/server/pure-ftpd/sbin/pure-config.pl: No such file or directory failed Starting php-fpm /etc/init.d/php-fpm-54: line 57: /www/server/php/54/sbin/php-fpm: No such file or directory failed Starting php-fpm done [root@localhost ~]#
2020年7月9日 下午10:22
系统盘40g,已经用了36g,无法备份。整个服务器硬盘有快照。是不是可以不用bt-back. 备份www的数据,是不是跳过备份这个步骤。进行操作即可